Tuesday, 25 March 2014

OUGD602 // PPP Presentation

As part of the PPP brief we have to present a 10 minute presentation about our experience of the course and how we have developed as a designer.

For my presentation, I wanted to show a journey of me as a designer, for this I have looked back over the past presentation I have done for this module within the previous years and taken out the information and images I have required.

For each year I have picked out the main points in which I felt have influenced me as a designer and shown the sort of work that I want to produce or that has directed how I am now working within the third year.

With the third year section, I have again chosen specific briefs I have worked on so far that have been an important factor within this year and ones which have influenced my ideas of what I want to do when I leave uni. Other things included are placements, branding, external things I have been involved in and what is left for the remainder of the year.

I think this presentation will show the ways in which I have adapted and how I have changed and developed throughout my time on the course.

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