Sunday, 18 May 2014

OUGD602 // Portfolio // Digital PDF Portfolio

As contacting studios and designers is a important thing to get interview or internships / placements, I wanted to create a version of the portfolio that I could send as a PDF to show the people I am contacting what my work is like.

For this it will be similar to the printed portfolio, but be smaller in the amount of projects included. I only want it to be a snapshot of my portfolio, to introduce them to me as designer. If i showed the full thing and got an interview it would be same work.

The digital portfolio will include a more personal touch as I think this is a great tool to get on board with a studio / designer and it looks like you have taken time and effort to create a document just for them.

The front cover of the digital portfolio, will include the studio / designers name. Displaying 'Hello ______' on the front cover makes it personal to them, but also a little more fun as an opening page. 

Introduction page. 
The introduction page is very similar to that in the printed portfolio, the information is all the same, the layout is just different, as I didn't want to have a plain white background on a PDF, it doesn't look that great / interesting on screen. This introduces myself to the user and explains my practice. 

Project pages are the same as the printed portfolio, these spread the project over three pages and to inform the user about the project and display the elements / products within it. All projects within the PDF document are designed to this template. 

The final page of the PDF is again personalised by saying thanks! Along with that I have added the line, 'I hope to here from you soon', including this was to make them think about getting in contact with me, even if it wasn't to offer me a placement, it puts in there mind about replying back to me. 

Full PDF document - 

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