Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Speaking from experience//crit

We had another crit for the pop brief, which was good because i didn't really know where i was heading with the brief and now i have finished my context of practice, this is going to be started next. I had the idea there and i knew what i wanted to produce, but i was unsure about the format, wether it was appropriate or not.
For this crit we had to have some design boards  which were there to present out idea and aid us in the delivery of our idea.
To start with we had a short presentation to the group in which we had to describe our idea and what it entailed of. After this we had to crit each other work using the forms below.

We got two feedbacks each, which is always good because we can compare then and see that overall feedback between the two.

feedback 1:
problem analysis - strengths - 
a problem that exists within the course, specific to the course which shows it will be relevant really clear concept
what specific areas of organisation and time management are you focussing on?

research - strengths - 
lots of variation of range, visuals, secondary, primary. Really strong visuals, good survey questions and analysis
improvements - 
find more visuals within the illustrative qualities if this is the ways your going. Get stats from survey.

Design Development - strengths - 
clear influence from research, good choice of layout keeping it the same across all three poster work well. Well thought out about stockist that could be used.
improvements - 
find a way to differ good poster and bad poster from a distance

feedback 2:
problem analysis - strengths - 
it is a real problem, suffered by everyone, specific to GD, balance social, domestic and work
improvements - 
how can you get people to use your system over a normal personal diary.

research - strengths - 
good research not many people get good primary stuff. Good visual research we can see the style you want to work towards.
improvements - 
could you do research on effective travel? way days do people have off

Design development - strengths - 
strong idea good visual ideas. A lot of good ideas to develop, could use colour and side of boxes or areas to represent time periods.
improvements - 
can't really see how the work can be personalised. why a poster and not a diary to keep you on you all day.
Maybe look at lazy, okay, excellent designer instead of good and bad 

I think that the feedback has been really helpful, from reading this i take that everyone likes the concept and the idea of it being about time management and your daily routine, but aren't too sure on the format. This helps me a lot because i wasn't too. I think in doing it the way i wanted it would of been hard because i was trying to generalise the posters and it wouldn't really relate to some people as everyone has a different routine and likes to work in a different way, i think that is main issue of this.

So i am going to still keep it on this idea and concept, just change the format and the content slightly.

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