Today we had the final crit for the speaking from experience brief. This was done in blog groups, we were in pairs and went around our group filling out the form below.
Im going to be honest and didn't find this crit useful at all. I got good feedback from my group, but even within that isn't wasn't the best. I found that most of my group spent most of the time talking about random stuff about there day and other stuff and not really concentrating on the crit itself. Even though i did get good feedback the content of this feedback was pretty poor, i got a few lines in each box that all had the word good in it.
On all of them i didn't get any improvements feedback, which does make feel good because it shows that i have produced good work and something that they think it good, but even so they could of thought of something which could have been of use for me, even if it was their opinion on how they would of done it, at least then i would have something to compare against.
It did make me feel like it was a waste of time, the fact that most of my group didn't even have there final things printed or even started it, i couldn't crit them good because of this.
Like i said i am happy that i have got such good feedback in the strengths of my work, the people that crited it thought it was a good sea and concept and thought that i produced good from from it, but i would have liked some criticism or some ways in which they thought i could of improved it.
Feedback 1:
Design Solution
- Strengths - Relevant to the content of design sheets and looks effective. A lot of designs.
- Improvements - None
Design Context
- Strengths - Layouts good and effective, good background research
- Improvements - None
- Strengths - very clear to see where ideas come from. Lots of design sheets, shows development
- Improvements - Maybe print them all in colour
Additional comments
Good all round, lots of good work produced. (tick)
Feedback 2:
Design Solution:
- Strengths - strong visual consistency across range of products. Detailed content, works nice as a set, nice design aesthetics.
- Improvements - none
Design Context
- Strengths - good format. appropriate for graphic designers. have tips on front
- Improvements - none
- Strengths - clear and detailed presentation boards, covers everything on brief.
- Improvements - all boards to be printed in colour.
Additional Comments
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